Who's Dave Murray-Rust

I'm currently doing totally un-musical things as a day-job, but that's life ;)

Before that I was attempting to use AI techniques to make computers be better improvisational partners by understanding the communication which happens when people make music together. Nowadays I'm having much more fun playing with people using computers.

I'm interested in improvised electronic music, trying to keep things as responsive as possible, while using the range of sound that the machines make available to us. Mostly using Live, with a bit of MaxMSP, also interested in alternative controllers like data gloves, wiimotes, spacenavigators etc.

I've been playing with Paul Keene in Kresch (keyboard and laptop) and with Owen Green and Jules Rawlinson as TR-I/O-FON. There's lots of audio up here: http://www.mo-seph.com/music
